Together, we can build a foundation that will help you on your path for the forseeable future.
2022 is the year to find your community. This and the next year will bring some exciting new energy that is sure to create shifts in your love life, the trajectory of your career and finances, and everything in between!
A Holistic Approach
FOR your next
two years
You – You will be stuck between the past and the present this year. You may have days of feeling very stable and knowing what your direction should be, and days when you feel confused and restless. You can thank Uranus movement in the constellation of Aries/Pisces for this physical and emotional “off-on” turmoil. You can usually make some fairly quick decisions, (sometimes you later regret some of those decisions because you make haste in which you try to problem solve). As Neptune goes thru the 12th house, you will continue feeling the need for some spiritual connection or some vague feelings about the past. The past is still a little fuzzy to you but certain periods of your life will continue to pop up so that you can examine the spiritual lessons you need to take away from those situations so you can go forward on a positive note.
You are really a Pisces learning how to be an Aries
DOLLARS & CENTS – For the next 2 years you will continue to feel the need to budget and spend your money wisely. You may hear stories about deaths and transformations. You will feel like you want to make deep soul changes that will make you a different person who aspires to a certain maturity level.
BODY & SOUL – Your health should be good and your focus on being healthy is a fun and joyful experience. This of course, is dependent upon having yearly physicals and controlling your joyful and optimistic feelings so that you do not ignore any potential health issues; report to your doctor any immediate problems. You might enjoy cooking during this time, especially if it is healthy cooking.
LABOR – In the next several years you will want to change your career. You may not want to change it yourself it’s either time for you to move on (retire) or just something deep within you that keeps nagging you to change. Who we are is so attached to what we do for a living, job/work/career, that you will find yourself slowly being dissatisfied with what you do in this area that you begin a very slow process of either evolving in this area or simply just making a change in working environments. You might try that for a while, but this is a very slow transit of Pluto in the 10th house so you will find that by the time this transit is over, you may have completely changed careers.
HEART – The long 7 year Uranus transit in your sun sign continues to show up in your personal YOU outlook as well as in all your relationships. Your love life will continue to be dependent on how erratic you are behaving in your life. This could mean that long term relationships may continue to feel unstable. You are just not sure of anything right now. Stop treating your current partner like “an old shoe” while you seek potential new partners. Get a “grip” on yourself.
You – Uh, oh, Saturn is staring at you from the 7th house. You may notice your imperfections and try to avoid revealing issues that might plague you or that you might be ashamed of. It may be hard to translate, but you may also feel some inferiority. Saturn is causing you to do some serious soul searching which might include you looking at your entire life to see how YOU can make some changes. Make no mistake about it you will find the need to make some changes. You may be experiencing some feelings of uncertainty and some impending anxiety. Uranian energy is in your 12th house of things hidden so this is causing you to feel a little jittery.
You are really an Aries learning how to be an Taurus
DOLLARS & CENTS – This should be a really good time for you to begin to build your bank account and save, save, save. Jupiter is traveling thru your money house, so plan accordingly. This cycle only lasts one year, so stick to a budget for this year and invest well. This is a good time to invest and take a few “safe” risks. Do not bet your last dollar, but I am encouraging you to do “some” gambling.
BODY & SOUL – Physically you will feel really comfortable in the gym or exercising (remember you may want to change the way you look) more consistently. If you are already exercising, please be moderate. You may become more aware of your beliefs, especially your spiritual beliefs. This is a very long cycle, so buckle in for about 10 more years. If you are religious you may change your denomination and spend a lot of time questioning the religion you may have been brought up to believe in. You are in a questioning phase and may need to spend time with a counselor or therapist to hit a reset button about your belief system. You will find that you may question a whole array of beliefs now. This may lead you to travel to foreign countries, study abroad, return to school for an advanced degree. Expand your mind.
LABOR – You will feel more aggressive in terms of your career or work. You are encouraged to apply for a promotion or seek a better position. You are NOT encouraged to argue or get into heated debates on your job. Also please steer clear of any snap decisions about your job or career. Even though you may want to change or alter your image, be careful. Don’t let go of a “sure thing” to explore your options. Slow it down; you don’t need uncertainty here.
HEART – These next two years are really important times for partnership. If you don’t have a lover, wife/husband, or business partner this is the perfect time to clearly define the person you love, want to love, or work with. Pay particular attention to the details in your description. Saturn cycling thru your partnership house requires structure. You need to define the person physically emotionally, mentally and spiritually. You will also have to define the type of relationship you will have. Will your relationship be based on religious activities, outdoor sporting events, cooking and parenting or just cuddling and parenting? This is the perfect time to make that decision. Marrying someone during this time period will make it feel very permanent. If you have a “commitment phobia”, this could be a difficult time for you. You may feel overwhelmed and others may expect a commitment. In fact, you will start feeling internal pressure to make a spectacular change in this area of your life and a commitment might allow you to feel less uptight. Welcome to the world of stability and go ahead and say I do!
You – Optimism is your calling card this year. You have periods of extreme positive thinking and then there is a lull, before you go back to feeling that the sky is the limit. You are writing more, thinking more and overall doing a lot more problem solving for yourself and others. You may have periodic feelings of euphoria or so many thoughts that you feel overwhelmed. This could make you experience more anxiety, often translated as excitement. You feel full and you will have to be very cautious about gaining weight during this time. You may take more risks too; feel free to jump, but not too far. You may have travel on your mind and may plan several trips or vacations. You may also be more philosophical and talk more than usual. En joy life and find ways to have a good time.
You are really a Taurus learning how to be an Gemini
DOLLARS & CENTS – Stick with a budget and stay out of the stores. The only time you should spend money during this time is for necessities; if you don’t go window shopping you won’t be tempted to “buy” things you don’t need. You would benefit from using a shopping list and pre-planning expenditures. Also be aware that your partner also needs to budget. Your partner’s money issues may be challenging for your relationship since you may have less money as a couple to spend on extracurricular or fun activities. If you live together or married or if you are dating there will be some financial, sexual issues to deal with.
BODY & SOUL – You are being required to pay close attention to your health. You need a health regiment that includes exercise, diet and positive thinking. Health challenges may be the result of negative thinking, so a few sessions with a counselor/therapist to teach you some positive coping strategies will be helpful. You might benefit by having a complete physical so you can find out if you have any health problems that need attention. If you discover out that you have a diagnosis then don’t overlook alternative treatments and be sure to create a daily health routine that is tailor-made to address the particular issue.
LABOR – Your job may be more stressful than usual at this time as well. You may feel that you need more “training” or to pursue a higher degree Job stress is a real problem during these next two years, which may be the cause of any health problems. Your job may seem oppressive and limiting, but this feeling will only last a couple of years. It would be smart for you to create a 3 to 5 year pan. You may deceive yourself about your career; perhaps you are telling yourself this is the “best” job ever, but you are trying to convince yourself of that. It is time for you to overhaul your working environment (move or redecorate your office or close any office) or change your career. You might have a job, but need a career. You might spend some “up and down” emotional distress about your career path or choice. Do not argue, have “blow ups” or quit your job suddenly; control yourself. No matter how (vaguely) dissatisfied you are don’t quit; plan your exit. Be ready, so if you are “let go” you will land on your feet.
HEART – Friends are coming and going during the next couple of years. People that you have thought were friends may retreat for a while and then come back with a full blast. You are being given a review of your friends to determine who is worthy of your friendship . You may also notice that your hopes, wishes and dreams continue to change, what you wanted last year will change this year. You need friends who are exciting and really make you feel like you have a new “lease” on life. The sot important thing is to not mistake excitement with loyalty. You need friends who will stick around; erratic and unstable friendships will just increase your stress levels and give you something else to be unhappy about….avoid at all costs!
You – Intuition is your calling card this year. You need to pay close attention. You will need to hear, listen and then act; be obedient! Do it and don’t hesitate. It will be important that express your creativity, though you may feel stifled. You struggle against what you cannot see which means you can be a “house divided” against your Self. Sharpen your listening skills and be ready at all times to just do follow your intuition; do what the spirit demands; or directs. Hopefully, you will not wait so long that Spirit has to demand. You spend a lot of time questioning others and yourself. You may need to reinvent yourself now and no matter how much you say you don’t like change, it may be very important for you to change now. You may have feelings of superiority….wait until the end of this year when those feelings will be justified.
You are really a Gemini learning how to be a Cancer
DOLLARS & CENTS – You have issues regarding self worth; how much you make is directly reflected in how much you earn. You have a certain “push-pull” when it comes to finances. You are always on one side or the other of the pendulum; you are either up or down. This year you feel aggressive about budgeting and paying off those you owe. Be sure to make arrangements with all of your debtors and be sure to pay them as agreed. You are trying to clean up your financial issues so that you can make a big transition; this may involve a purchase. You may have to change your intention to wander and survive and shift into settling down, creating and surviving. No need to sweat about it; it will happen despite your feelings. So just relax and allow your Self to go thru the process. You will grow.
BODY & SOUL – You will change your body. This could be from an illness or injury, but it also could be the result of more intense diet and exercise. In fact, you should focus on diet and exercise during the next few years. Overall, if you stay focused on diet and exercise not only will your body an health be transformed but your life will as well. Your physical changes will underscore your overall urge to transform your life and change your script. You will have some emotional turmoil regarding the need to change and this is a requirement that has been ongoing for several years, but increasing in intensity. You usually have a lot of things you resist changing, especially your belief system, which has seemed a little vague. You usually have some beliefs that you have placed in stone. Many of these beliefs will be tested and changed. Your spiritual and religious beliefs are vague now also and will need an overhaul. No worries, it’s just a phase of your transformation.
LABOR – Whatever you do it will have to be very creative. You are ready to do one of a kind now…time to be different or unique. You can find your creative juices now. You will be serious about that. Create something new…get busy. You could also become a parent or mentor someone and you will feel like a parental figure. This could be employer-employee or some other type of relationship.
HEART – There will be more some very serious relationships that will begin to show up in your life, now that your beliefs about relationships are changing. These relationships will be catalysts to your transformation. During the next 2 years, not only will you focus more on creative projects, but you need to focus on romance, children, risk and speculation will lead you to uncharted territory. If you are not married, you will start making plans to determine when that should occur; everything you do during this time involving “love” will seem structured or based on a plan of some type. Nothing wrong with planning, but you may find yourself making the decision to live with someone or marriage based on reasons and not necessarily love. Be careful….go back to center and put love higher on the list; you will be tempted to place it in a box somewhere, because it might seem very complicated at this time.
You – Feel challenges in 3 major domains in your life….your body, home, career and your marriage/close relationship. Particularly important will be your home; will you sell and move, remodel/redecorate, you have to do something or you will come home one day and the house will be gone. Your attention to your home is being required; do not ignore it! You could also move someone in or out…take care of an elderly parent or launch your kids to their adult life, making yourself an empty nester. If you are the Leo you could be leaving home to embark on a life of your own. No matter what happens your living situation will be completely different in two years and you can either participate by making some decisions on your own, or you can think you don’t need to do anything,. Doing nothing is a bad option.
You are really a Cancer learning how to be a Leo
DOLLARS & CENTS – Focus on budgeting and put together a vision for remodeling or moving. You might have had some very confusing times regarding your partner’s finances as well. All of your finances will need to be in order, so you will need to know exactly how much you and your partner (if you have one) is spending….so budget, budget, budget are your key words when it comes to money. You may start feeling that you need to start saving for a future purchase. Your working environment and possible career is in flux and so you are worried and feeling insecure about the amount of money you are earning; you may ask for a raise and instead get a reduction in your earnings . It may be time for you to consider working part time in a new potential career that you may discover you have real interest in. Save your money and invest wisely.
BODY & SOUL – You are not paying that much attention to your body right now, but it would be wise for you to start thinking about it. You may have some hidden health issues and a crisis looming large if you do not at least create a health plan. This plan should include a good diet (not a weight loss diet but good menu planning and the type of foods you eat daily) plan, exercise, vitamins and regular check ups. You should start with a complete physical and then figure and then proceed from there. Spiritually you are unfocused and somewhat scattered in your belief system. It appears that you are not really focusing on any spiritual discipline of any type at this point; you seem to have a more haberdashery approach to your belief system at this time. It is important that you wake up and begin to formulate a plan before it is too late.
LABOR – Your working environment is troublesome. You may be under a lot of stress and duress on your job or your business may be in turmoil. There is change a brewing here and you need to make those changes or you will find that the universe plans to make those changes for yourself. It could be that you are doing the wrong type of job or you have the wrong career. A career you once liked, you may no longer enjoy. Or, it could be that you are working at a job and never invested in a career for yourself. Let me advise you here; it is never too late. Change either your career, the type of job you are doing or change companies. Whatever you happens, you MUST make some changes here. Even going to school at this point can sometimes seem good and sometimes be very challenging; or you might start school and then want to give up for awhile. Just make sure you hang in there for the duration and for the sake of a better career. This is a very long transit so you have quite a few (10 more) years to work on this matter.
HEART – Your relationships continue to be influx spiritually and emotionally. You are usually restless and unsettled in this area of your life anyway, due to the Uranian nature of your marriage house. Unless you are with someone totally unpredictable and the relationship is unpredictable you will be bored and controlling. Constant agitation and stimulation are required in any committed relationship you enter into. Of course, when you are dating and trying to “find the one” you are in erratic mode anyway and you convince yourself that if you could just find the right person, you will be happy and satisfied. Why do you deceive yourself so much about this? Of course, you might marry someone you think is the one, but even with this person you will get very bored if you are not challenged enough by the person. I recommend total honesty about what you really need in a relationship and investigate your past ones to help you get to the truth, once and for all. Admit it, you need some “stuff in it” for you to pay full attention and be totally committed (mind, body and spirit).
You – You may be much more self critical these days. Granted, you are usually your own worst critic. However, at this time you may be feeling extra critical. You are analyzing and having internal conversations that you try to control, but this internal dialogue can turn very self destructive. You will criticize your body, your friends, jobs/career and your relationship; nothing seems right. Along with critiquing yourself you will also spend a lot of time critiquing others as well. Worry, worry, wort! You are spending a lot of time worry about every thing, even things you don’t need to worry about. You may come to the conclusion that you need to do research or study, take a class or pursue more information. Again, it is difficult during this time to just sit still. I am suggesting that when you notice yourself doing these things you should stop and correct yourself. Watch yourself doing this very closely and stop it. You must really learn how to practice positive self-talking.
You are really a Leo learning how to be a Virgo
DOLLARS & CENTS – Your financial situation is very erratic. Your partner’s finances are extremely erratic, so try not to count on anyone helping you financially; at least consistently. The previous two years were important in teaching your lessons about structure, especially financial structure. You should make sure that you create a budget that you can live with and follow. You may be trying to save money for a very large purpose i.e. buying a big house or a car. Whatever you are trying to purchase it will take a lot of effort, so prepare yourself to “stay on course” and do not skip any steps or procrastinate about following your own plans to the letter. No short-cuts will be allowed.
BODY & SOUL – Your body is very important to you and you will spend a lot of time trying to look more appealing (especially to any new partners you might get connected with). You might decide to go on a fad diet or practice several different exercise routines. You will need to be careful about your dietary choices since this could be a good time to visit the doctor and get a complete physical. Be sure to include the right vitamins as supplements to the food choices you decide to make. Also be sure to hydrate your body with raw juices and plenty of water. And, while you are feeding your body, be sure that you feed your spirit self. This is a good time to learn how to pray or meditate and if you already do both make sure you place these two practices high on your list of priorities.
LABOR – You may want to redefine what you are doing in your work environment and decide if this is really a career or just a job. If you determine that you have a job, this might make you feel really uneasy and your self-esteem or self worth may suffer. You may start seeking as many compliments or accolades as possible just to validate if you should continue doing the job or if you should leave and go to another company/business or find another position within the current place of employment. If you determine that you are in a career, then you will seek a promotion or decide that you want to advance in your career. This might mean that you will seek a promotion either inside or outside of the current company/business. Your working environment will be important and you may feel uneasy about all of this, but you alone have to decide if you will take the opportunity to turn a job into a career or get promoted. You will have more opportunities in this area and you should take advantage of this.
HEART – Confusion might be in the air when it comes to matters of the heart. How you normally deal with romantic relationships may need to change. You may even consider an extra-marital affair or to try a different type of relationship. You are bored and also confused. You are having a difficult time trying to figure out if you are ready to have a long lasting relationship or if you want to exit a long term relationship. Is it the other person, or is it you? Maybe you have changed and cannot communicate this to your partner; you need to try to communicate this if you want to save your partnership or make it better. If you are unable to discuss this in any meaningful way it might be necessary for your to ask a counselor or therapist to act as a referee or mediator. Either way, you are going to learn a lot yourself. Are you ready to have children; if not you might consider other alternatives (including denial–for as long as you can). Be wise whatever you do and if you feel you can’t come up with any answers, ask someone who might be wise.
You – You may be feeling really jumpy. Is it you or is it your partner? Are you lonely or are you more in a “love ’em and then leave ’em” mood? One thing for sure you are feeling pretty fickle. You may find that you work really diligently on losing weight, only to turn around and start eating everything in sight and gain most of the weight back. You may also find yourself going from one fad to another. You may love chocolate for months and then begin to loathe it. Or, you may find yourself excessively exercising for two months, get bored with that and start watching movies instead. You appear to be very fickle when in actuality you may be feeling less confidence and a little shaky about your self esteem and self confident. You may develop some health issues (hopefully, nothing too critical) if you don’t get a grip on how to handle your stress or your erratic habits.
You are really a Virgo learning how to be a Libra
DOLLARS & CENTS – This year you may have a real need to focus in on your self worth, self esteem and your ability to create money or wealth for yourself. This could be a very anxious time, when you feel the need for soothing to change, you are just uncertain about what that change should be. Only purchase those items that you really want or that you really need. No more impulse buying, just to spend money because you feel like it…budget needs to be your middle name or maybe even your first name. Money may come from different and unexpected sources. Try to seek as much money as you want…seek and ye shall find. Expand your consciousness about money and aspire for more than what you have now. If you do this, money will come to you like a magnet, just so the universe can see if you know what to do with it. Be very wise in this arena.
BODY & SOUL – You might experience so very vague illnesses or injuries and doctors may not even know what is going on. This is a very long transit in your house of health, so expect to be bewildered by some of your physical ailments and don’t be too upset with professionals who also may not understand or be able to diagnose what is happening to your body. This is a great time to match up this type of uncertainty with alternative treatments. If there are traditional treatments for your ailment that have a lot of side effects or uncertain cure rates, seek alternative treatments as well. You could even do these simultaneously. Spiritually, you will try to expand and explore your experiences. If you are traditionally religious, this might be a good time to explore a variety of religions to expand your experiences. You are seeking something more spiritually and intellectually. You might consider obtaining more education and certainly traveling to more foreign countries are both high on your agenda. Happy traveling mentally and physically.
LABOR – Your working environment may be unsettling in some way, you are just not sure if you like what you are doing or if you like your fellow workers, or maybe it is just time for you to start your own business and the create the type of working environment that best suits you. Confusion in this part of your life (including health) can be stressful which also could lead to health problems. Along with your urge for more education, you can go for a certification program or some way to expand your knowledge base so that you can be promoted in your current job. You might also want to obtain a higher degree so you can change careers. Again, the urge to just escape your current work environment (whether it is because of your co-workers, a negative boss, the hours, the commute or just stressful job duties) may encourage you to just go and get another job. Do whatever you feel and believe is necessary–don’t second guess yourself.
HEART – There are times when you don’t care about having a partner or needing a relationship and then there are extraordinarily intense moments when you want a partner and a relationship. This is also a long transit and if you are in a relationship or in a marriage this may be a difficult time for your partner who may not know whether they are in a relationship with you or whether you want out of the relationship. Hell, you don’t what you want to do either. Since transforming your roots and family foundations are going on simultaneous to this erratic relationship pattern, you may feel the urge to purchase a new home or move to a different state or country to create new roots and family foundations. You may want focus on having a stable relationship and home life, but you must create that life and that relationship and you must own your creation and be committed to it. You will have the partner and relationship of your own creation….just believe and commit!
You – This is a time of important transformation. Examine yourself and see what works and what does not work and then make changes. Since you are very stubborn and usually feel that you are right (most of the time) this might be a difficult time for you. You do not like change (though, you may feel that you are all about change…WRONG)…this is hard for you to do, unless you are really prepared for it. The planet Saturn transiting your first house for the next 1.5 will require some changes. This change needs to happen with your awareness or change will happen at the end of this cycle without your approval or consideration. If changes in your career/job, relationships, home and who you are then Saturn operates from a position of loss and you will find that you could lose all that you had. Questions are arising about your body, your job/career, and relationships so do not ignore these internal prompt messages. Decide that you will make a change and do it…your life will be much more stable if you do. If not, you may have to start all over and that would be very sad.
You are really a Libra learning how to be a Scorpio
DOLLARS & CENTS – A very large part of your finances will be tied into any decisions you make about change in your life. You may misinterpret your inner pressure for change and immediately look at your finances. You should avoid this if possible. Your finances are very linked in with your self worth and self esteem….you do NOT own other people, you can NOT control your environment. You can change your environment and you can change yourself so that others feel more in alignment with more consistent emotions from you so that they express good feelings about you and this increases your self esteem. Focus on your own self worth…how much are your skills and how many things can you do to earn money, and expand on those things. This is not a good time to focus on doing something difficult, instead focus on heightening or increasing the skills you already have and using them. Then you will see your funds increase.
BODY & SOUL – One minute you will feel really healthy and the next you will have questions about it. You have a very erratic health pattern for the next several years. You will need to take vitamins and really be certain about your current diet. Whatever you decide to do, be committed to it and ensure that it is balanced. You will also benefit from physical exercise, so since “change” is an important message for the next few years, this would be a terrific time to change your routine (if you have one) or if you don’t have one, then get one. Your body is going to require a commitment so vitamin/supplements, balanced food, and exercise will have to be your cornerstone of physical change. Spiritually you will get connected from any creative work that you decide you are ready and prepared to manifest. Your intuition will be strong creatively, so this is the perfect time, do start being creative and excited about making something out of nothing. You are a creative force to be reckoned with, so let’s produce something already, and stop thinking about it.
LABOR – Your working environment has been unstable for quite a few years and this will continue for a while. Do you have a job today, if so maybe not tomorrow. Despite all the information from your executives, there are always so many things going on behind the scenes. How are your company’s profit margins, do they really care about their employees? Do you sense that something is wrong? Changing jobs might not accomplish the type of peace of mind that you are seeking in your working environment. Do not be caught off guard and have the entire company shut down without you acknowledging your intuition. Instead, this would be a great time for you to begin thinking about what else you would do if you were not working there. It might be smart to determine if there is something you can do with your talent that you have not ventured out on yet. It is a great idea for you to keep your current work situation, but also begin to cultivate your hobby, or avocations now just in case your hobby needs to replace your current work environment. Then you will be prepared for the inevitable.
HEART – The way you handle your relationships is part of the change that you are being asked to make. Are there ways that you normally handle your relationships that others have complained about? If so, you might want to examine that more thoroughly and see how you can make some adjustments to your role in the dysfunction. You are stubborn and you do like to control things, but try to understand the importance of this particular time in your life. CHANGE is necessary and must be heeded. Be aware of what type of changes you need to make, then discuss your ideas for change with your loved ones (partner, children, siblings, parents, friends) and get their blessing or input. If you do this, the you will not experience the loss that is usually associated with this transit and instead you will reap many benefits.
You – You are in a fairly good place right now. Now that you may be feeling that you are trying to be the best you can be, so you may be contemplating a significant other into your life. You may feel somewhat jittery and unsettled, but you are not sure why. You have completed a 12 year transformation and are now left with a newer and updated version of your Self. You may be feeling very expansive and like you can do whatever is necessary to get your needs met. Over expansion could occur in many other areas of your life and in some cases have some fairly negative results. The best way to avoid these missteps is to create a plan for what you want to achieve and adhere to the plan. Alter the plan when necessary, but definitely do not do things on your usual spur of the moment protocol.
You are really Ophiuchus learning how to be a Sagittarius
DOLLARS & CENTS – Money is definitely on your mind. However, the way you handle money is going thru a complete over haul. This 12 year Pluto transit in your money house has meant that some time was spent taking some risks and then getting wiped out. Perhaps you dabbled in the stock market and lost a lot of money. Just be aware that since 2008 this transit has been banging away at your house of money, self work and self esteem. You must develop some concrete financial plans that do not involve extreme risk. It’s okay to invest, but no more gambling. This is the time to ride with safe investments, and mutual funds. I know this is no fun…you enjoy the risk and are stimulated by the wins. Just ask yourself, “how’s that been working’ for you in the last several years”? You have some challenges ahead if you don’t stop…unfortunately, the worst is not over, if you don’t change. You like changes, (you are a mutable sign), but you must be convinced that the change will be worthwhile. Trust me, this is one change you want to make.
BODY & SOUL – You should make sure you start taking good care of your body. You will not be challenged with this for a a couple of years. So this is a very good time to work hard on diet and exercise, but also change your ideas about healthcare. Try to prioritize your diet and consistent exercise. You must put these things on the front burner. Please be prepared for the next couple of years, to have all of your preventive exams (male Sagittarians, if you are older make sure you have your prostrate exams). Sagittarius women this includes your prevention care (i.e. mammograms, pap smears). Spiritually, this is a good time for meditation and contemplation. You might consider adding tai’ chi or yoga to your exercise regiment since these are both mind, body and spirit forms of exercise. Religious philosophy and ideology might also be important for you to investigate and make a commitment on.
LABOR – Work, work, work who wants to work. Now a career, that is an entirely separate issue with you! You were born to have one of those. Hopefully, your career allows you plenty of room to travel and feel free, but most importantly allows you to earn a lot of money. This money allows you to travel more, write, talk and generally feel that in life there are no barriers. Financially you may not have as much money as you would normally have to speculate with (remember it’s time to be fiscally cautious). Hopefully, you have found a job that is interesting, exciting and really challenges you in a positive way. If you have not found this career, then you should do everything you can to locate it.
HEART – Relationships and marriage may really be a big topic of conversation for you and a lot of soul searching as well. You will also feel surges of creativity that might come and go. You might decide to write a book or paint; you might even decide to dance or leap for joy. You will think about creativity or making something out of nothing. This could take many forms. If you are in the childbearing age as a woman you might start feeling the desire to become pregnant. Or, if you are a male you might want to become a father. This is a time when you might even want to adopt. You will definitely be in the mood for romance. If you are already married this is a great time to renew your vows (if all is well in the marriage) and it is a good time to do some creative projects together. Love is in the air and there could be many partners. Just decide what type of partner you are seeking and please be honest with yourself.
You – You have been under the influence of Pluto since 2008 when the first urges to transform were first brought to your attention. The one thing about Capricorn is that you are extremely stubborn like a goat; it takes a long time to get you to move forward on anything and you are very cautious about every step you take. You are methodical, almost to a fault. You must change. Your transformation will happen by 2023 whether you participate in the process of you procrastinate or down right refuse. You are being given many opportunities to change; perhaps restructure your body, how you conduct your relationships needs to change, what you do for a living might need to be transformed as well. Do not let your refusal to accept that you are not perfect and are not always the voice of reason, stop you from making real transformative decisions. Change will happen to you! Participate and decide which changes you will make or Resist and experience your own downfall. The results will be felt in 2023!
You are really a Sagittarius learning how to be a Capricorn
DOLLARS & CENTS – You feel pretty aggressive about making money right now. This energy might encourage you to buy some real estate or really expand your stock portfolio. This feeling will only last this year so either take advantage of it and expand or stop thinking about it. You may have some shaky feelings about your self worth. How much are you really worth? This might be a question you continue to ask yourself and may be the impetus to think more in depth about how you invest your money or how much money you think you should have at this age or this time in your life, etc. etc. Stop bashing yourself and realize this is part of the transformative period in your life that you need to overhaul. Overhaul your budget, focus on changing your financial style.
BODY & SOUL – Your health is important to you right now as well. It is all a part of your plan for transformation. You have good health this year (except for the small aches, pains, flu or colds). However, whatever your body type right now, you may need to alter that body type. If you are overweight, it’s a great time to lose the pounds. If you are underweight, it’s a great time to eat all you can and gain some pounds. In reality your body needs to be examined to see what it needs and what it might not need. Exercise is an important part of your regiment at this time. Weight lifting, or body sculpting should be a very important part of your exercise plan; this would change your body for the better and increase your sense of self worth and self esteem which needs some assistance during this time. Please try to focus on what you can change and be okay if the rest of your body does not change. Spiritually you need to learn how to take your religious views and actually practice what you preach. This is the time to do unto others as you would want others to do unto you.
LABOR – Job possibilities have greatly increased this year, so this would be a good time to request added duties and responsibilities on your current job. You could also just seek another position at your current company or just seek a new work environment. Often this expansion in the 6th house is designed to give your more work than you can handle. This additional work could encourage you to ask for specific responsibilities so you can get credit and accolades for all the time you are putting in to the work you are doing. You could also feel that you are not being appreciated for all the work you are doing and request or feel like you should demand a promotion or switch to another department. You might also decide to go to another company and try to make a name for yourself; to earn the respect you feel that you need at this time in your life. Now this sounds a lot like transformation; especially in the area of work environment.
HEART – Your primary issues is learning how to be friends and how to be a friend. You may be able to take this friendship into a a loving relationship. The question is, would you know how to do this without having a lot of “do and don’ts” or “musts or can nots”? You need to be in charge and are often pretty authoritarian. Are you going to be able to not be controlling and just allow your friends to be who they are? This is a very big question for you. The concern here is that your transformation requires you to change how you interact with those you love and care for. So if you are controlling, or if you require others to fall into alignment with what you want and can rarely let others “do their own thing”, you will continue to have stifled relationships that don’t emerge as healthy extensions of self love. Instead, you may fake loving yourself and pretend you don’t need or want intimacy. Please change your mind; you have a lot to give in a loving relationship, if you allow yourself to let go and accept yourself and others just as you are.
You – You may be feeling a little more aggressive than usual in the early part of the yea. You are having a 2 year cycle of making real changes in the four important domains: your Self, home, partnerships, and career. You feel more aggressive now and more in charge…this mood will shift before the year ends and you will be much more focused on your feelings of self worth and finances. Pay attention to your body with exercise and vitamins and be sure to create a consistent meal time. Hopefully, you will not have many health problems during this time, but you must obtain some medical advice or diagnosis for any small aches, pains, like unexplained headaches or other severe aches. You want your life to change in some way and you are eager for the change. This often indicates marriage, divorce, relocation, moving or birth of children. The universe is expecting real changes in your life, so get busy!
You are really a Capricorn learning how to be an Aquarius
DOLLARS & CENTS – Money may be an illusive part of your life for awhile. Neptune is on a very long cycle and might bring a lot of financial confusion. You need discipline in this area. Investments may not be secure. Only invest money that you really do not need. There might be urges for emotional spending…spending money might make you feel better (if sad) or make you sad (if you have over spent). Money may be made in any field that deals with illusion or glamour; beauty business, theater, movies etc. You may have a drive to earn money in those fields and may be seeking work or a professional career. No matter what you decide, the important point here is that money can appear and disappear as if in magic, so you will have to be very careful that you budget your money very carefully and have a secure nest egg somewhere that you never touch. You need a strict budget, secure savings and a small amount set aside for those emotional spending moments.
BODY & SOUL – You may be going through a spiritual transformation. What you believe may be challenged. This is the time to transform the old and create a new dialogue for yourself, or at least change the topic. You might transform an previous religious belief and merge it with another one that feels more comforting. Whatever you decide to do will be important since all these feelings and requirements for transformation or change will be very stressful to your body and your soul. Seek some type of spiritual refuge from the psychological storm. This could include meditation, periods of complete silence, walking and communing with nature, or some type of daily spiritual goals for yourself. You must do something to relieve the psychic pressure, which you may be trying to ignore (the best you can) or totally embracing. You are aware of what is not right. Go inward and consult with your higher self to determine the source of your dissatisfaction and anguish and then proceed using spiritual resources to gain some peace and calm in your life.
LABOR – What will you do with your life? Do you have a career that is stable and gives you the type of satisfaction that you deserve. Don’t be surprised if a great deal of your anguish is based on your uncertainty about how you identify with your life purpose. Have you determined your purpose? These next two years will “hammer away” at your psyche to try encouraging you to determine what your career should be. If you are happy with what you are currently doing, then find smarter and more efficient ways of doing it. Complacency now is not a good thing. If you need more training or skills, admit it and start that process now. The universe will not wait for you to stop procrastinating…it will force you to do something about this situation and you have a limited time of 2 years. If you ignore this problem, then you can expect loss in this area (you could lose a job and be forced to find a new one). The best thing for you to do is to end to your stubbornness and either “let go” of what you have been doing, transform it or move forward and create some other purpose/career.
HEART – Your creative juices will be flowing and this will help to unlock your heart chakras. You may want to birth something/someone. This could mean an increased desire to have children. If this is not a good time for that you may want to take more risks or chances, but make sure it is all in fun. Gambling, risk and speculation is not a good idea for you now. Think about that very hard, even though it might make you excited. Find joy in the pleasurable things in life…this is an important message. You could turn this expansive creative time period into a time of explosive creativity that finds you doing things creatively that you have only dreamed of doing before Do not ignore these feelings; this is the right time to take your creative hobbies and turn them into something very important. This is also a very good time to feel and be romantic. A new or old relationship will blossom and you will feel more positive about life. While you are going thru all of this, please remember to exhale and en JOY!
You – You are in an extreme period of confusion. Sometimes you may find it difficult to make a decision and follow through on that decision. Neptune in Pisces is really underscoring your sensitivity and any difficulties you have separating facts from possibilities. The most important thing for you to do at this time is, stop making decisions on your own. Any decisions you have to make, you must first consult and connect spiritually. It will be difficult to see yourself as you truly are. Again this is a long transit and will take you quite a few years for you to get your equilibrium. You might be in a good position currently, because this transit has been ongoing for the last several years. Hopefully, you have spent time really working on clearly defining who you are. If you have not done this, you still have time. Please remember this redefining is an important process that you need to go thru and you have divine assistance in this process. By the time this transit is over, you should know who you are and act accordingly.
You are really an Aquarius learning how to be a Pisces
DOLLARS & CENTS – Your money is flying all over the place. Money comes in from various places. You may be uncertain about the money you are earning. This could manifest as a small salary, plus commissions or tips (you never know how much you will earn daily); this is more a guessing game than a certainty. This could be a stressful time financially and you are not sure how much you are actually worth, nor are you sure about how much you should charge for your services or talents. The way you earn money may be uncertain (you could work as a trader on the stock exchange). A lot of money can be obtained by gambling (i.e. lotteries, sports game pools etc.). Whatever way you earn or obtain money just remember it will come and go quickie. Your self esteem or self worth will also come and go (one minute you feel good about yourself and then you don’t). Don’t take any chances, just hold on to whatever money you have in very safe instruments (CDs, savings accounts); no gambling allowed.
BODY & SOUL – It’s time for you to be very aggressive with taking care of your body. This is the time for you to focus on the type of exercise you will do and how much exercise you will do. Movement is going to be very important to you this years, so make a plan and really become determined to follow through. Make sure that your exercises are highly aerobic and even martial arts. Hopefully, the emphasis on martial arts will lead you to greater spiritual understanding. This is the time for you to finally decide on what you truly do believe. Is there a particular religion that you believe in and that you want to practice? If so, start practicing. The time for talking about it or trying to figure it all out is coming to an end. You might look at the religion you have practiced all of your life and determine that it no longer meets your need. Change your religion if you must or develop a new spiritual practice. You need to change your spiritual self and become authentically you.
LABOR – This should be a great time for you on your job. It would even be fantastic if you could work from home and then you would be exceptionally happy. Yes, this is a great time to expand and become more focused on any home-based business you might decide would be beneficial to you. You will try to expand your home to accommodate any working environment possibilities. This would be a very good time to bring work home also (even if this is just occasionally). Beware, you might start feeling overwhelmed and a little tired with all the scattered energy around you. Try to focus on the job you choose. The summer months (especially July and August) will be good to expand your working environment. It will also be a good time to decide what you need to change or do in your working environment to ensure your success.
HEART – There may be some dramatic overhauls in your love life and certainly in your choice of friends. There needs to be more intense scrutiny of your current friendships and of any future friendships. You may find it advantageous to determine (once and for all) the type (characteristics) of the person who would qualify as your friend. Usually you pick up friends like stray cats and anyone who…