Age of Aquarius

As previously stated the shifting of the Age is very significant because the issues it presents is designed to advance all of humanity. Planetary energy affects the global population; it is the “mana from Heaven”. The planets spinning through the constellations affects all of the life forces (humans, plants, animals on land, air and sea) on Earth. Humans have lessons to learn.

If we fail to collectively recognize we are all “in this together” then the Pandemic and unpredictable erratic change will continue to plague us.

During this Age, our lessons will focus on Peace, Love and Brotherhood, which is the Aquarian message. As soon as Saturn went into Aquarius on March 23 2020. The world went helter-skelter with a very erratic contagious virus called COVID-19 (where did it come from, what is it, how do we cure it, can we go to work, go to the movies). Halt, put on the breaks, we were all spinning out of control with work and affluence, burned out and stressed out being hustlers for Capricorn Saturn/Pluto all striving to be millionaires at the expense of the “essential workers”. The Universe switched constellations from Capricorn to Aquarius and now all of a sudden–no warning, all things Aquarius were suddenly and quickly whisked on us all over the Earth; everyone has been impacted. Immediate lock down! Lock down kept us glued to the TV, where we saw what real police brutality was by viewing George Floyd’s murder live on TV. This pandemic is being ruled by Uranian-Aquarius energy so NO ONE can keep up with it. It will continue to mutate, change and since it is impacting every one and everything…we will all have to change constantly with it. This virus is controlling us to shift us into the Age of Aquarius so we can all see ourselves! Aquarius is the individual/independent vs. the collective this will continue to be a battle. Are we going to be able to understand that nature is cued up to shift us and create a completely new paradigm. This virus is also going to control all living things on the Earth. EVERYTHING has to change.

2023 Next challenge is the climate, again the Universe is unleashing nature on living beings to see if we and all lean into the collective with care and consideration

The way we lived will have to more parties, bars, no more gathering at church, concerts etc. Since we are so individualistic, we may hesitate and be reluctant to change (Aquarius is a fixed stubborn) and we may not try to heed the bigger message–which is brotherhood. So far, we are failing….getting a vaccine is not just about your personal liberty says Aquarius, it is about the collective; we must care and change our focus to how to save each other. If we fail to collectively recognize we are all “in this together” then the Pandemic and unpredictable erratic change will continue to plague us.

Next up as Saturn moves out of Aquarius in March 2023, then shifts into Pisces (compassion, empathy, regret, disillusionment, drugs, and ultimate love and martyrdom) we are confronted with Pluto (the planet of the Phoenix–destroy and rebuild/death and rebirth) shifting into the constellation also in March 2023. We are being “tested” folks….Aquarius we have.

In 2023 Next challenge is the climate, again the Universe is unleashing nature on living beings to see if we and all lean into the collective with care and consideration. By the time the climate is unleashed on us all